Decorating Your Homeschool Study Space

Decorating Your Homeschool Study Space

Whether you have a dedicated classroom, or a small corner of a room, enhancing your homeschool area with "goodies" can help provide a more enriching, motivating and instructional experience. Over the years, I have employed a variety of resources to pep things up and I wanted to share some ideas. Before I present them, though, I wanted to reiterate from my Getting Started Homeschooling post that these things are not mandatory. Learning still happens regardless of whether you have a spiffy decked out room or not.

So onto the list. A few years back, I surveyed fellow members of one of my homeschooling groups and they/we came up with some great ideas:
  • clock (regular or teaching)
  • wall calendar display
  • alphabet charts and strips (English, Arabic, Spanish, etc)
  • counting charts, 100s charts, skip counting charts
  • dry erase boards
  • felt board
  • reference posters (measurements, time tables, fractions....)
  • shapes posters
  • colors posters
  • science posters such as a periodic table, skeleton diagram, planets chart or poster
  • maps (US, world, state)
  • social studies posters (such as branches of the government, important dates in  history)
  • word wall for sight/high frequency words
  • student artwork, completed student projects
  • inspirational quotes (for kids and mom/dad)
  • progress charts
You can rotate items as students need them (for example, once math facts are mastered, remove that chart and replace with a new concept that needs to be mastered). You might add in items based on seasons or holidays.

What's on your walls?
Do you have items on your walls/in your study area that aren't listed? Please share in the comments to give others ideas!