R Controlled Vowels - AR, ER, IR, OR, UR


The Phonogram AR

AR Learning Pack - contains an AR word list, bingo, tic tac toe, picture cards, bingo

AR Word ListAR Words Bingo/Matching GameAR Read and Draw Worksheet

AR Words Tic Tac ToeAR Words Bingo/Matching Game


ER Word List (with sample sentences) 
ER phonogram word list and sentences


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OR Matching Cards - TJ Homeschooling

OR word list

OR word list

OR Lesson (PDF) - Islamic themed
R Controlled Vowels: OR Lesson

OR Worksheet 1
Fill in the blank with the correct OR word

R Controlled Vowels: OR Worksheet

Circle the correct OR word shown in the picture

OR phonogram worksheett

Trace the "or" phonogram, then trace words containing the phonogram and draw a picture to mach.
OR phonogram worksheet


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